Monday, March 8, 2010

I seemed to respond most to the short film Next Floor by Phoebe Greenberg. I thought it was extremely thought provoking and visually appealing, and I appreciated its social commentary.
The short film, which won at Cannes, is a depiction of a group of bourgeois type diners gorging themselves on exotic meats in pure and unadulterated gastronomic carnage. The conversation of excessive consumption in today’s society, which the film implies, is an important conversation to be had. There has long been concern with the pattern and scale of human activities having very serious impacts on the environment and human welfare. Especially today, people are living well beyond means. The insatiable hunger of the diners in the film is a wonderful visual metaphor. There is an insatiable hunger that has pervaded society, a movement towards excess and abundance, which has perpetuated a much inflated lifestyle. Greenberg masterfully reflects such a pertinent social issue in art form, and it leaves quite an impression. There is a sense of urgency in this film for people, on an individual and collective level, to rethink their actions and choices for a better and sustainable future.
I also appreciate the wonderful cinematography. The color composition, the lighting, the makeup, the costumes, the set- it all is extremely appealing within a grotesque and absurd context. The filmy successfully captures a still life quality and painting aesthetic. Each shot is in itself a work of art.
I like the surreal, absurdity of the film and the portrayal of gluttony. I like how the film makes you laugh and feel disgusted at the same time. I like how thought provoking it is. I left the film in deep contemplation. Why are we in an era of over-consumption? What brought on this lifestyle of excess? Are we ever satisfied? Are we ever fulfilled? What does it mean to be satisfied?

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