Check out the Ghana Think Tank
This collaborative group was co-founded by a friend I made this summer at Skowhegan, Christopher Robbins
"The Ghana ThinkTank is a globally distributed network of think tanks creating strategies to resolve local problems. The network began with think tanks from Ghana, Cuba and El Salvador, and has since expanded to include Serbia, Mexico and Ethiopia. We are currently negotiating with groups in Iran and Nigeria.
The Ghana ThinkTank is not about broad superlatives or generalized utopias, but uses the power of alternative perspectives to pull solutions from often surprising places.
With a track record in Liverpool England, East Village New York, Providence Rhode Island, Boston Massachusetts, and Westport Connecticut, the Ghana ThinkTank is focused on you: your community, your problems, and your personal actions."
Take charge, send us your problems.
And their blog:
This morning at 10:30am
1 day ago
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