Thursday, November 12, 2009

My Last One, I Swear

Last Friday I had the opportunity to go back to my undergraduate school and speak to the art club about my experience thus far at grad school. This was a really good time to practice what Mary showed us in terms of presenting our work to a group. In this case there was a panel of about 10 of us that talked about our programs, mostly MFA, and two Post-Bacs. We did basic intro then each had the opportunity to take the floor and show our work to the group with time for q&a. I didn't prepare anything in particular, just showed examples of my work as it progressed from first year to now, as well as my portfolio that I had applied to grad school with. It was really a good trial run for presenting my work to others, and what I found is that I can speak fairly well about it without sounding like I'm a complete idiot. Horray.

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